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M.J.H. Kessels
Gerhard Hüller
R.Oswald Adler



Gerhard Hüller

Gerhard Hüller

This flute dates from an earlier period than the Mahillon .The C# and C keys and the setting of the G# key are very clear indications for that. The flute has the initials G.S.H. under a lyre. The maker is Gerhard Hüller from Schoneck in the Markneukirchen area. It is again an example of a 'nach H.F. Meyer' flute. The Meyer model flute must have been a huge success around the turn of the century (19th to 20th that is) because they turn up frequently at auctions. If many of them survived many of them must have been made! The instrument is not play ready state because the cork is from the turn of the century too and has shrunk quite a lot. Of course this can be repaired very easily.


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